The Impact Of COVID-19 On Vulnerable Children – Child Protection Is Everyone’s Responsibility

For over 30 years, Mother’s Choice has stepped into crisis in the lives of vulnerable children, youth, and at-risk families. Our vision is to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family, surrounded by a supportive community.  Whilst the current global pandem … Continued

Impact Report 2017-2018

We are pleased to announce that our Impact Report for 2017-2018 is now available. During this financial year, we saw great courage and commitment from our board, our staff, our volunteers, and our partners who have shown us that “nothing is impossible”. Thank you all fo … Continued

Our 30th Birthday

With support from many in the community, our founders opened up the doors to Mother’s Choice in 1987. Instead of rejecting or punishing pregnant teenagers, they were determined to welcome girls into a home where they felt valued and accepted, where they would be given c … Continued

A Safe Haven

When a girl asks Mother’s Choice for help, our first priority is to give her hope, tell her she is loved and valued, and equip her to face the future of her choice. This looks different for each of the 242 girls who we walked with this year, because we adapt our approac … Continued