Volunteer Appreciation Month

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in this world”. Each year in April, we celebrate Volunteer Appreciation month to applaud our amazing volunteers who give tirelessly of their time, talent, and resources to care for the vulnerable child … Continued

The Impact Of COVID-19 On Vulnerable Children – Child Protection Is Everyone’s Responsibility

For over 30 years, Mother’s Choice has stepped into crisis in the lives of vulnerable children, youth, and at-risk families. Our vision is to see every child in a safe, loving, and permanent family, surrounded by a supportive community.  Whilst the current global pandem … Continued

2020 YPO Global Impact Award

Thank you to YPO‘s video story on Mother’s Choice featuring our CEO Alia Eyres, Southeast Asia regional honoree for the 2020 YPO Global Impact Award. The award focuses on YPO members making impact outside the organization that is both sustainable and scalabl … Continued