Fundraising for Mother’s Choice is a wonderful way for you to tell your friends about the great need to support children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong.

At Mother’s Choice, we need to raise over HK$60 million every year to continue to keep our doors open and serve children, youth, and families. Did you know?



gives an adoptive family love and support through a monthly care group



protects the health of a pregnant teen and her baby through a monthly pre-natal class



ensures a child reaches their full potential through an hour of personalized therapy each month.

That’s why we need your help! We cherish every dollar that we receive as a gift, because every dollar helps us to continue the work that we do.

Get Inspired

Kai and Marion »

Marion and Kai asked for gifts to celebrate their 25th anniversary and raised HK$56,000!
Marion and Kai asked for gifts to celebrate their 25th anniversary and raised HK$56,000!
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Leonie »

Leonie did a sponsored 3-day ultra-marathon in Mongolia and raised HK$8,000!
Leonie did a sponsored 3-day ultra-marathon in Mongolia and raised HK$8,000!
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Alison »

Alison organized a huge family sponsored walk and raised HK$60,000!
Alison organized a huge family sponsored walk and raised HK$60,000!
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Ella »

Ella asked for donations instead of presents for her 11th birthday and raised HK$80,000!
Ella asked for donations instead of presents for her 11th birthday and raised HK$80,000!
Read more…

Now it’s your turn!

We would love you to fundraise for Mother’s Choice! Whatever kind of challenge or event you do, we are here to give you the help you need to get started, including ideas as to how to get your friends on board and raise funds together.

Our Fundraising Guide has everything you need to get your fundraising activity started! It includes:

  • Fundraising ideas and tips
  • Tips on getting your friends involved
  • A step-by-step guide to setting up your own fundraising webpage
  • Photos, videos, and other materials about Mother’s Choice to share with friends and family to tell them why you want to make an impact to support the many children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong
Download Fundraising Guide Start your fundraising!

Get In Touch!

We can also help if you want to get involved but are not sure where to start. Call our team on 3915 5739 or email

Our Fundraising Partner


Twopresents is a Hong Kong based company that allows you to invite friends to give you presents online. The total is divided then into two, one half goes to you, so you can buy something you want, and the other half goes to the charity of your choice. It’s a great new way of giving!