At any time, almost 4,000 children live apart from their families due to a number of reasons, including neglect, abuse, violence in the home, abandonment, economic hardship, and incarceration.

We know that parenting can be a daunting challenge. When families face difficulties at home, and don’t have a strong community of support, children are often impacted the most.

That’s why our services are united by the goal of building stronger families. We prepare and equip new families with for the challenging, but rewarding experience of parenthood, and support families along their lifelong journey. Our vision is to see every child in a loving family, and every family surrounded by a supportive community.

Will you open your home and heart to care for a child in need?

Learn About Project Bridge* Learn About Adoption

*Project Bridge connects nurturing volunteer families to children who need temporary care.

Mother’s Choice is one of four accredited adoption agencies in Hong Kong. We support parents as they begin their lifelong journey of adoption.

How we serve families

We serve families in three key ways:

Our Adoption Services prepares and supports adoptive families as they embark on a lifelong adoption journey. We are committed to seeing every child thrive in their forever family. To that end, we equip families with training, create opportunities for peer support, and raise positive awareness about adoption in our community.
Our Pregnant Girls Services provides loving and nonjudgmental support to young girls facing crisis pregnancy, empowering them to make an informed decision for their future. For those who have made a commitment to parenting, we help to identify key people in her life who can support her, facilitate peer support, and provide training and other resources she may need in preparation for her journey to parenthood.
Our Foster Care Services recruits, prepares, and supports foster families to provide loving temporary homes for children in need. Fostering a child can be a rewarding, yet challenging experience, and we are committed to walking alongside each foster family as they navigate this experience by providing careful assessment and matching, and ongoing training and support.

Our Approach

Our approach to serving families is characterized by:


Child-centric Approach
At the core of our services for family is a focus on the best interests of the child. We believe that a safe, loving, and permanent family is the best environment in which a child can thrive.


Community Support
It takes a village to raise a child. In addition to our direct support services, we work hard to identify and connect each family to existing resources in their own community.