What is Foster Care?

Foster Care provides residential family care to children under 18 years of age whose parents cannot adequately take care of them due to various reasons, so that they can continue to enjoy family life until they can re-unite with their families, join an adoptive family or live independently.

Most children’s admissions to the services are due to family issues. According to a consulting study conducted in late 2012, there were 90% of all foster cases have family reunion plan. Children’s waiting time for family reunion can be long, often years with no certain timeline for reunion due to the complicated family history.

Why do children need fostering?

Children and young people need fostering for all kinds of reasons. Some of cases are because of abuse or neglect. Sometimes, it’s for multiple reasons such as family domestic violence, parental drug use, or mental health, all of which impact on a family’s capacity to care for their child.

If you choose to become a foster parent, you will need to help the child you care for overcome difficulties from their past, to continue to facilitate the bonding with their families and Mother’s Choice believe in a team approach to fostering, so you will never feel alone.

When you become our foster families, Mother’s Choice provide training and monthly allowance as financial assistance from the Social Welfare Department to cover the child expenses.

How old are the children in foster care?

Foster children come from all age groups, from newborn to 18 years old, and from all backgrounds. What they all have in common is their need for a suitable foster home for them to thrive while they are in care.

Foster children may have special needs because of a disability or emotional problem and require more care and attention than their family can provide.

Whatever the reason for needing foster care, each foster child is special and unique. However, most are hurt and confused by the separation from their family. They need a lot of empathy, encouragement and support. They will not forget their own family and will want to stay in touch with them.

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Contact us

Contact us at 2313 5648 or foster@motherschoice.org.